MY OBSESSIONS: iPad covers!

This year I scored myself a cheap iPad #2 the day before #3 came out. Hence forth, I needed a case to put it in for protection. So, I bought this. Pink, of course!
The iPad fit nicely!
And so I decided to bling it up a little!
And then I found this one on ebay!
And then of course I needed a bag/purse/pouch to put it in! Found this one which I thought was appropriate.
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  1. Nancy Lauzon October 6, 2012 at 1:33 am

    Love these! I don’t have an iPad but I bought a Netbook, which is slightly bigger, so none of the iPad covers fit. I ended up buying a Marc Jacobs cover, the black one with ‘Miss Marc’ – she sorta looks like me, minus the grey hair LOL

  2. Jewel Divas Style October 6, 2012 at 2:27 pm

    You can get so much on ebay these days you can find almost any cover for any thing.


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