My gift to Ellen DeGeneres and the anniversary of Jackie Collins’ death.

Today marks the third anniversary of Jackie Collins’ death.

Jackie was my mentor, my inspiration and my role model when it came to writing, and today marks the third anniversary of her death. That sucks, it still does. Too many celebrities have died in the last five years, and all have been a mentor or role model to someone.

Jackie was mine. RIP Miss Jackie C


Today is also the day I tell you about my gift to Ellen.

I mentioned this sometime last year, it was also on my writing to do list for this year, and now I’ve achieved it.

Two days ago I posted about the re-release of #teenblogger: To Follow or Not To Follow? and the release, finally, of all six Poems Of A Musical Flavour books along with the deluxe edition which are all out today to purchase off Amazon or order through your local book store, on my publishing imprint.

The reason I mention this again, is because #teenblogger is what I sent to Ellen.

I was told by my guardian angel/guide/helper/muse, whoever it was who’s looking over me, to get this book to Ellen. In early 2017 actually. Unfortunately, there wasn’t a lot I could do about things then, but I made sure to get it ready this year. I was pushing to get it to her by the end of May, but that just wasn’t gonna happen. It was a sense that she needed it by September. Well, I sent it off August 30 and it should have been there within a week.


Here’s what I sent.

A letter, telling her about myself and why I think #teenblogger is important. A small tiara and wand, along with crown stickers, because, you know, my name is Tiara King.


I used three tiara paperclips to hold the letter closed, and wrapped it up in three layers of pretty pink and blue paper. I had found a gorgeous box to pack it in, and tied it with pink and blue ribbons.


And if you look closely at the letter, you’ll see I have a faded image of #teenblogger’s cover on the paper.



Why did I do this? Not entirely sure what my guide/helper’s/angel’s motives were, I can guess, obviously, but I don’t want to put the wrong thing out there or jinx it.

Have you guys ever sent a present to a celebrity before?

It’s kind of like the fan clubs of old, now websites, where you’d send presents and letters into, and now concerts where people throw presents on stage, although, as we all know, most of those things never get kept and are either thrown away or donated. But I have my fingers crossed for this.


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  1. Sally Odgers September 19, 2018 at 8:00 am

    What a gorgeously OTT presentation. I reckon Ellen will certainly want to have a look at that one. Fingers and toes crosses she gives it a shout-out!

    1. Jewel Divas Style September 21, 2018 at 12:00 pm

      Thanks Sally. I did want to make it as pretty as possible.


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