Yesterday was Jewel Divas Style’s 9th birthday. I’m posting today, because yesterday was a Sunday and today it’s back to work after having two weeks off for a writing holiday.
Two years ago I did a lengthy post, last year, I did a shorter one, this year, nothing has changed.
I still suffer from bad health and crippling physical issues, arthritis being a new one that cropped up last year.
I still have the burden of my mother’s care, I still have the burden of dealing with everything. Last year six companies wasted my time and energy, this year two more are wasting my time and energy and my freakin’ money. And what energy I do have left is reserved for anger, so look out.
My jewellery business is still on permanent hiatus at this point, and I’m not sure if it will get back up and running any time in the near future. I’d like it to, but I don’t see it while I have so much to write.
My writing has taken the driver’s seat, my jewellery the back, and it will stay there until the stories are purged from my brain and everything settles down enough for me to be able to schedule everything out. But while my brain is so full of shit I have to deal with, it won’t be.
I don’t know how much longer this will go on. I’d like to make it to ten years, to give the whole, ten year/10,000 hour thing a shot.
Two years ago I spoke about it and I’ve updated it for this year –
It all has to do with the 10,000 hours to success. Or in some people’s cases, it works out to about 10 years. If I don’t have success by the ten year limit, that’s it, I’m done. I’ll have given it all I had, but by then I doubt I’ll have any more.
In July 2006 I wrote my first novel. It’s now July 2018, twelve years since I started writing books. Time’s way up and long gone and still no success.
In February 2008 I wrote my second book, and in Aug I started the legal side of my jewellery business and made my first collection in Oct. We are 2018, it is ten years. Time’s up.
On Jan 1st 2009 I started my author blog, then this blog on July 22, and then went live with the first Jewel Divas store in Sep. In 2019 it will be ten years. There’s one year left.
Hence why December 31st 2019 maybe the last time I blog or even post on social media. Unless of course, I continue using every year I wrote a book, such as my fourth novel 2013/2023, my non-fictions 2014/2024, when I started writing children’s books 2015/2025, my novellas 2016/2026. Not sure I can keep blogging until 2026!!!!!
I had decided to give it three and a half more years till 2019 (now one more year) when I’ll be 45 and a half and it will be ten years for this blog. I said if I didn’t have success by then, then I’d give up. Or maybe wait until 2024 when I’m 50 and keep it at a nice round figure. I’ll definitely be done by 50. But that’s 5 more years.
I have exerted more energy in the last twelve years writing, making, and trying to run a business than I probably exerted in all my previous years.
I’m posting twice a week now and am considering cutting back to one day a week. It’s not fun anymore, and I’d like to get back to fun posts instead of what I bought or what I’m doing. It allows me time to write or make jewellery as well as keep across my other sites for maintenance and upkeep.
What I’ll do at the end of my ten years is not known yet. I’ll decide then, if I’m alive. In the meantime, I’ll stay on and try and make it more fun. For you and me.
Happy freakin’ birthday to me!
Happy freaking birthday!
Thanks Sally.
First of all, congratulations on the 9 years. That’s a long time, not to mention a real dedication to telling your story. But yeah, sometimes the creative life isn’t easy, especially if you’re trying to make it and it isn’t even fun anymore. Best of luck whatever you decide to do. Who knows, your second act might change everything.
Thanks Tote.