Jewel Divas Style is 10 Years Old!


Well, here we are again.

Jewel Divas Style is ten years old. You can read my 9th post here, and my 8th post here, my 7th post here.

God knows how I made it this far, but I have, and for the most part it hasn’t been a bad journey, just a long and sometimes fruitless one. However, I quite enjoy blogging about what I’ve bought, not sure why, maybe it’s just a way of putting something out there. Maybe it’s just me wanting to reach out and say hey, let’s talk about fashion and accessories and all the things we’ve seen and heard and read.

Blogging is an access to like-minded others from around the world that you can converse with. Although it has changed since the ten years I’ve been online, and Instagram, Twitter and Facebook have taken over as a primary source of interaction, millions of us still have blogs, more than likely on a website as we converted the blog into a site for more of a professional look, unlike some of our blogs when we first started. Remember how bad some blogs looked. Oi!

I started blogging in 2009, first at my author site, and then at this one. Sure, my author site was more about me bitching about tv shows, celebrities, the world etc, and this blog started as a sister to my jewellery company, but as it progressed, I enjoyed blogging about everything else, and that’s pretty much what I want to do. Don’t we all want to show off what we have and talk about what we do?

I never wanted to monetize any of my blogs, that’s not what I started for, and will never do so because I still don’t want to. My blogs are about my businesses, my author names, my books and the awesome things I buy, what I think about things.

On T.K. Wrathbone, I only blog once a month with an update on how my writing is going, and the books when they come out. On L.J. Diva, I will cut back from once a week, which I’ve been doing for about five years now as that blog’s been online for eleven years, to once a month as well, mainly just updates of books, and quick soundbites of what’s going on the world of books such as copyrights, trademarks, legalities and all things writing. A monthly update, so to speak.

Jewel Divas Style will continue, as I continue to blog about things I buy, books I read, what I’m doing etc, and since I’m cutting back at L.J. Diva, JDS will be my primary site for blogging about my life. And I feel good about this decision, it’s making me feel lighter, less occupied, less clouded and depressed about everything I have to do. I also want to get back to writing books just for the fun of it. With no release date, no book cover, no nothing in mind. No rushing, no time limit, keeping them short to 50,000 to 75,000 words, and not 300,000 plus words. I just want to have fun again with writing and blogging.

So, yes, I will be here for another year. And, yes, I will continue blogging about all things fabulous. And since I’ll be blogging on JDS some of the things I blogged about on LJD, that gives me a broader range of topics, such as movies and more literary fiction that I’ve been reading. I had kept those over at LJD, but they are moving on over.

So for now, let’s head into our eleventh year knowing that more fabulousness is coming.


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  1. The Tote Trove December 28, 2019 at 3:47 pm

    Congrats! I’m so glad that you decided to continue with your blog, and that it makes you feel lighter. And I completely agree about not monetizing it; I don’t do that either because, like you, I feel that it would take away from my voice. Here’s to 10 more years of keeping it real and being fabulous!
    The Tote Trove recently posted…Rhyme Time Crime: Merry ChristmasMy Profile

    1. Jewel Divas Style December 28, 2019 at 10:14 pm

      Thanks Tote. It’s a big weight off my shoulders and I just need to plan it out.


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