It’s Seven Years Since Jackie Collins Left Us

It’s been seven years since the queen of the bonkbusters left us, and she’s still around in my heart.

So much so, this year, I not only found out that once upon a time in the 90s she created a line of jewellery and entertainment products for a shopping network, but I started buying up the jewels with gusto.

There are still a few things for me to collect. The pen set, glassware set, and the panther perfume bottles, but I still have a few jewellery pieces to buy. And there was a lot of them.


From a Lady Boss original charm bracelet where the clasp is made of her initials of J & C, to panther pieces galore…


I especially love this green-eyed set. The two top pieces are brooches that can be turned into necklace pendants. So I plan on doing that with one of them.


And here are the stars of the ball…

I love how they were made, and probably named, after Jackie’s books.


I also managed to finally find the 6×9 hardcover dust jacket of Hollywood Wives, after trying three times, and some rare cover editions of American Star and Chances. The gold foil on the Chances cover is still in pristine condition and the overall condition of the book is really good. I actually prefer this cover of the book over the version they put out.


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    1. Jewel Divas Style October 4, 2022 at 2:09 pm

      Yes, Tote, she was all glamour-puss. Literally!


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