Introducing My New Book Series: Poems Of A Musical Flavour!

It all started in 1989 with a dream…

I wanted to be Australia’s answer to Debbie Gibson. I wanted her house, her car, her Swatch Watches… 

I was 15 years old and sang in my end of year 10 musical in high school…

I wanted to be a singer and songwriter…

One of those dreams came true…

Sort of…

Presenting Poems Of A Musical Flavour…


There are six volumes in all, plus paperbacks and an omnibus paperback edition by the end of the year. Volume 1 is making its pre-sale debut this week and has an awesome cover as they all do. Sheena Easton is making her debut on Volume 1 (joking but it really does look like her). Now available at Amazons everywhere, Kobo will push it through to all of their affiliates and Smashwords will push it through to iTunes, Barnes & Noble, Baker & Taylor and Overdrive amongst many others.

Poems has its very own book page here on Jewel Divas Style, just look under the BOOKS link in the menu. You’ll find everywhere they are available and see all the covers as each one makes its debut.

Look for Poems Of A Musical Flavour Today!


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  1. The Tote Trove March 17, 2017 at 1:13 pm

    Congrats! And also, who wouldn’t want Debbie Gibson’s Swatch watches?!

    1. Jewel Divas Style March 18, 2017 at 2:26 pm

      I know, right!


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