A desk makeover was definitely long overdue.
It was messy, things were everywhere, on the desk, the cupboard, under the table, ugh.
Below are the before pics. I used an old quilt cover to cover the table, because it is actually a kitchen table and not a desk. One pc sits in the middle when being used, the other on the printer. I’ve got mess everywhere.
To the left are three plastic cubes we’ve kept since the 70s, and by God have they come in handy. They contain all of my business folders which I blogged about making last year, as well as style, jewellery and other things. My writing notebooks sat on my radio to the left, along with other bits and pieces.
To the right is my bookshelf with just some of my Nancy Drew books and folders on it. Mainly the current ones. On the desk are containers filled with paper and pens and stationery. Again, what a mess.
So I went shopping and spent about $107 on all sorts of goodies. A whiteboard monthly planner $15, a five drawer paper holder $20, four pink glitter magazine holders $22, an array of pink and blue floral trays and containers, a six switch electrical board, $15, so everything can stay plugged in at the same time. A pineapple pencil kit $9, a pack of 30 lead pencils for $3 and three pink glitter document boxes $15.
I started by cleaning the table and laying another quilt cover over it, this time, my blue and yellow star one.
I then arranged everything to see how things looked.
And then filled them up!
To the left are the three document boxes with some books and knick knacks.
On the printer are three of the pink glitter magazine holders. The left has spare notebooks plus the ones I’ll be writing my book series in, probably not until 2017. The middle one contains the notebooks and notes for the three book series I’m currently writing, and the right one contains the notebooks and notes for the children’s stories I’m also writing under the name T.K. Wrathbone.
In the middle of the table are two floral baskets holding pencils, sharpies, calculator, iphone charger etc, plus a feng shui star frame, and a few knick knacks.
The right of the desk now has the five drawer storage holder filled with printer paper, scrap paper, stuff I need all the time. On top is the pink tray, small and large magazine holders full of more scrap paper, and paperwork I need to get my hands on immediately if need be. I have my pineapple with the pens I use most and I hung my whiteboard up and filled it in. I did this on the 13 th of Feb which you can see on the board.
I ended up clearing so much rubbish up from under the table, beside the table, on the table. I know it looks packed now, but I use this stuff on a daily basis, especially my writing notebooks.
So, that’s my desk makeover, have you guys done one recently?