Happy Freakin’ Birthday to Me!

Tomorrow I am 42 years old.

Yep, I can’t believe it’s true either but here it is. Now for those who follow along you will know what a shit life I lead. I also have an overly productive life.

Not only did I just finish (hand wrote) the third novella in the book series I’m currently writing (more on that in a few weeks when I finish the conclusion), but I also do a bunch of other things.

Now two years ago I wrote 21 Days of Things About Me posts, chronicling 40 things about me every day for 21 days in the lead up to my 40th birthday and you can.

Now, I’ll just tell y’all what else I do.

I write non-fiction books, and now a young adult book which is released tomorrow, under the name Tiara King (which is my real name, LJD is my adult author name).

I write children’s and young adult books under the name T.K. Wrathbone.

I make and sell jewellery under the name Jewel Divas but the shop is currently on break while I sort mum’s health out and finish off my books.

And I blog under the name Jewel Divas Style which is the second tier of the Jewel Divas brand.

You can find out more about me by visiting these sites and seeing for yourself what I do.

Happy freakin’ birthday to me!


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