FASHION STYLE: The Fabulously Glamorous World of The Honourable Miss Phryne Fisher, Lady Detective, part 6

The glamorously fabulous lady detective, The Honourable Miss Phryne Fisher, (pronounced Fry-nee) swans into early 1929 Melbourne, fighting injustice with her pearl-handled pistol and her dagger-sharp wit is back tonight on the ABC, with more mystery, more suspense and more of that amazingly glamorous wardrobe for all to see.

Last week saw Phryne and Dot go to the heart of any gal’s wardrobe, couture clothing, solving a murder, or two, in the local couture design house, missing pearls, sapphires and Phryne’s emeralds feature.

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This top has featured in three of the five episodes shown.


This is the couture gown originally made for someone else, but Phryne scored it for helping to save the fashion house from bankruptcy.


Stay tuned for the glamorously fabulous lady detective, The Honourable Miss Phryne Fisher, tonight, 8:30, ABC

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