Let’s get into it!
On my very long bullet point without the bullets list, I had all of these things to achieve.
What’s green is done, orange is in the making, and red is god no fucking way!
I had these PLANNED for doing…
Under L.J. Diva…
– 1.1 – Write a novel, or three…
– 1.2 – Type it/them up through the year and put it/them through 3-4 rounds of editing. Get it/them to my editor, and then edit some more.
– 1.3 – Format each book in each version and get the covers done.
– 1.4 – Upload to Ingram and get proofs. Proof. Fix any issues or set up for release.
– 1.5 – Release the book and send out blog posts, add book quotes, character lists, etc, to website.
Yep, just the one, Anything for You, came out in September so everything is DONE!
Under T.K. Wrathbone…
– 1.1 – Get last year’s stories formatted and covers done.
– 1.2 – Get proofs and edit.
– 1.3 – Release some time in the year and do blog posts.
Done and dusted on Halloween! Six Bone: Anthology 6 came out and everything is DONE!
Under Tiara King…
– 1 – Every year I do the same thing. See whether it will be worthwhile updating my two paperbacks, How To Be A Jewel Diva and Closet Confidential. And every year I think, how can I get it done better?
– 2 – Write a novel…
– 2.1 – Type it up through the year and put it through 3-4 rounds of editing. Get it to my editor, and then edit some more.
– 2.2 – Format each version and get the covers done.
– 2.3 – Upload to Ingram and get proofs. Proof. Fix any issues or set up for release.
– 2.4 – Release the book and send out blog posts, add book quotes, character lists, etc, to website.
– 3 – Re-write my book on self-publishing under my name, which I originally released in 2014 under LJD, with all new information. I think I said this last year as well and the plan was for release for this year, but I have a feeling it won’t come out until next year.
– 4 – Get my mailing list for TK done. The mailing lists are for the back of the books that usually contain a clickable link to a page where they can download a freebie if you have it. They then go to your newsletter list. Since I don’t yet have freebies, I don’t yet have a link for the books. I think I also mentioned this last year.
– 5 – Write reader magnets under all three names for my mailing list.
– 6 – See if I can go direct to Google Play and close down my Streetlib and/or Publishdrive accounts to make publishing life easier.
Some is green and got done, most is red and not so done! Which isn’t unusual for me at this point. In 2013 I managed to work on one novel and three non-fiction books at the same time. Do you think I can do that now…?
– 1 – Still pick one to two days a month to schedule blog posts, weave my writing schedule around it, and take the school holidays off to get shit done.
– 2 – Continue to post to social during the week across the board and pin to my Pinterest boards monthly.
– 3 – Join TikTok and do videos for TikTok and Insta.
– 4 – I might do another online writing course or two.
– 5 – Continue with the local writers group.
– 6 – I still want to find that medium between blogging, writing/publishing, and time off. Come hell or high water, I’m going to try and find it this year because there are books I want to write and release.
– 7 – I want to make over the website for Royal Star Publishing and maybe L.J. Diva. Give them a new template, or a spruce up, to look more professional.
Two are red, one is orange, five is green! Yay!
I can’t be bother posting pictures of my lists. The cold hard fact is, that many things, as stated above, just didn’t get done, so they were crossed out in red. The rest, also stated above, were either done, or half done.
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about things already, and changes will also be happening next year, as will a tonne of business expenses. I want to cull and cut out of my life more, and other things will be moved, changed, and managed to do so. I want to get back to writing, not living on social media, and I want to just do nothing for a while. But, we’ll see…
Until next year…
A writer’s work is never done. But you’ve done a lot; congrats! 📕📙📒📗📘
the tote trove recently posted…City Pretty: In Good Company
Thanks, Tote!