I’ve been making a lot of jewellery for myself in the last couple of months and it’s all thanks to an online jewellery store I’ve bought a bunch of jewellery from.
I love creating something unique and one off, knowing I have something no one else does, like the Arabian Memoirs set.
At first I only bought one pair because they had been reduced to $15, but then realised I could make other things out of a second pair, so I bought a second pair.
It’s so easy when you know how to make, say, a necklace out of a pendant. Or a bracelet stack from a pendant. I whipped up some bracelets and pulled some out of my “spares” container and voilà!
As with the Marrakesh set they are similar to the same designer label, but different colours and slightly different in design. Besides, I’d rather wear turquoise than black.
There are no rings in this design so I’ll have to make do without them, but then considering the amount of rings I have it won’t be a problem, although I could always do with more blue ones.
I love making new pieces out of old, what have you guys made lately?
Arabian Memoirs is a great name! It makes me think of bazaars full of exotic finds. Also, of Disney’s Aladdin. Your pieces are so striking; the turquoise collection is my favorite. There’s a special satisfaction in repurposing jewelry, isn’t there?
Oh there certainly is Tote, especially when a design only comes in one particular piece, like earrings. You know you can make them into something else and have something no one else has. It’s awesome.