BOOK STYLE: Carers Need Help and Support Too

Being a carer means I can’t run my business or blog 24/7 as some people do. Those who run their blogs as businesses seem to be online all day every day, posting links to various websites and pages, clothes or accessories, all as a part of their business to bring in followers and likers.

I can’t do that. Yes, there have been days where I’m online all day setting up blog posts, gotta love scheduling, getting a few weeks worth sorted, going through Facebook and other social media, catching up on what’s been posted by others that I follow, but I can’t spend all day everyday on just the one business because I run two businesses.

On Monday, Wednesday and Fridays I’m on my writing blog and sites. On Tuesday, Thursday and a few hours on Saturday afternoon, I’m here on my style site.

Once mum is settled I’m on until lunchtime around 1:30 or 2 pm. I’m generally done by then but some days I have housework so I thank God for scheduling as that allows me the mornings to do stuff. Appointments are next. Every two weeks I have the chiro, and every month mum has doctors so I either get my work done in the morning or the afternoon.

I don’t get time off, unless you include a few hours on some afternoons or evenings where I have nothing to do. I don’t get holidays, or days to go off shopping for myself. I do the normal food shopping on Saturdays and nothing else unless it’s the same day as appointments. 

I don’t get a cut off time, some nights I work late. I don’t get time out from caring but I have to take time out from social media. I’m not overly active on it and am finding it to be overwhelming. Since social media itself is not my business and just bi-products of my actual businesses, writing and jewellery designing, social media is no longer overly important. I don’t have the energy at the end of the day to understand the inner workings of FB, G+, Pinterest or how Instagram could work for me or spend all day on it conversing, sorry folks. I’m tired, and over it.

Having said all that, I did manage to write four non-fiction books and a new novel over the last year. Two under my real name of Tiara King, How To Be A Jewel Diva: Tips and Tricks to Buying, Wearing and Caring for your Costume Jewellery and Carers Need Help and Support Too! One Woman’s Personal Journey Through the Sacrifice of Caring. They both took months, at least six each, and now I’m proud to say that Carers Need Help and Support Too! is now in paperback.

Available through Amazon, it’s $9.95 for the paperback and $2.99 for the Kindle. It’s also available through Smashwords in all other e-book formats and they also distribute through to Itunes, Barnes & Noble, Scribd, Kobo to name a few. Other online bookshops will be coming in the future as each gets its distribution through Amazon for paperback.

Tiara King Carers Need Help And Support Too

Tiara King Carers Need Help And Support Too

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